
Facebook’s latest News Feed change Might just help Fanpages

Photo courtesy of Facebook

Photo courtesy of Facebook

News Feed is a personalized stream of stories that you build from the people and Pages you’ve connected to on Facebook. The goal of the newsfeed initially was to show us the types of content(posts) that Facebook thinks we’d be most interested in seeing.  At time though, it seems to just be all over the place. I’ll see things that an acquaintance has liked or commented on in my newsfeed, stories that I would never be interested in.

Today Facebook announced some changes to the newsfeed that just might help you see more things you want, such as posts from your favorite northwest bands, or those friends that you somehow lost track of.  Part of the rollout is a redesigned and expanded News Feed Preferences interface to give you more control of your Facebook  experience. It’ll be nice to be able to customize it even more. and save me from “almost” commenting on some of those posts.

Select friends and Pages to see first
To help prioritize stories, and make sure you don’t miss posts from particular friends and Pages, you can now select which friends and Pages you would like to see at the top of your News Feed. Make sure you spread the word and tell everyone they can now control which bands’ fanpage they want to see content from. Of course this will work for any pages but we’re using band fanpages as an example, because music.

Here’s how you do it: Within News Feed Preferences, tap on a friend’s profile picture to see their posts first. You will then see any new stories they’ve shared since your last visit to Facebook at the top of News Feed, with a star in the top right of their post so you know why they’re at the top. You can scroll down to see the rest of your News Feed normally.

Find new Pages to connect to
Helping you find new Pages to follow can help you connect with publishers, artists and businesses you might be interested in. Based on the types of Pages you’ve liked in the past, you can discover new Pages in order to get more of the stories you care about.

Select which friends and Pages to follow or unfollow
With an updated design of the tools we previously launched, you can now see a list of the top people, Pages and groups that you’ve seen in your News Feed over the past week, and choose to unfollow any friend, Page or group if you don’t want to see their updates. You can also see who you’ve unfollowed in the past and choose to re-follow them at any time.

Courtesy of Facebook

Courtesy of Facebook

To get to News Feed Preferences, tap More in the bottom right hand corner of your mobile app. News Feed Preferences are located under Settings. You can come back at any time to update your choices.

The new ways to control your News Feed will be available today on iOS and will be rolling out on Android and desktop over the coming weeks.

Have you tried it out yet? Leave a comment and let us know how it’s working for you.

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