
Will Ferrell and Chad Smith to Battle in Seattle?

will_chad_on_couch_5Rumors are starting to swirl about a possible rematch of the infamous “Drum Off” that took place in May of this year. This time the rumors include Seattle and in a post on Facebook, Chad Smith hints that he might just show up at Will Ferrell’s upcoming appearance in the Jet City.

In a new post, Smith teases, “Will Ferrell claims he’s coming to Seattle on Sept. 19. I’ll bet he pops off about his alleged ‘Drum Off’ victory. I just might have to be there to call him out on it and settle the score once and for all. The only way you will know for sure is if you are actually there to see it with your own two eyes.”

As Smith stated, Ferrell is coming to Seattle on Sept. 19, with a special charity event titled ‘Approximately 90 Minutes With Will Ferrell and Some Other People…’ The event will raise funds for Cancer for College, the same organization Ferrell designated during his previous “drum-off” challenge. And the show will take place at Seattle’s Meany Hall for the Performing Arts, hosted by the University of Washington.

Smith and Ferrell had both previously teased that a future drum-off might include Metallica‘s Lars Ulrich as well, but Ulrich was not mentioned in the tease for the upcoming event. Tickets for the ’90 Minutes With Will Ferrell’ show are currently on sale HERE.

Drum Off 1

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