
Seattle Musician Launches New Website and Global Database for Touring Musicians

SEATTLE, Washington – April 29, 2015 -Today the very first of its kind, a website hosting a global advanced searchable database for touring musicians and tour support has been launched by Musicians That Can Tour. Its a daunting task to find musicians and tour support when a band is planning a tour or even worse when they are on tour because the only way to find someone is if you know them or know someone who knows them.

MusiciansThatCanTour.Com was founded by owner William Thomas Anderson, a northwest touring artist by what he calls “sheer desperation” , seemingly always being behind the eight ball not having access to a large enough pool of professional talent.  Says Anderson, “I just got so tired of having projects being held up due to a lack of touring talent or worse being held hostage by musicians on tour going off the rails and knowing they can’t be replaced.” He continues, “I’m not only an artist but also a guitar technician so with the help of a few friends that are also professional techs (Josh Mockerman – Tim McGraw/Grace Potter/Casting Crowns and John N. Wilson – EAG Audio/Merle Haggard/Aaron Neville) we’ve got the site up and through beta testing ensuring the site is user friendly, fast and a one stop place to find everyone you need to staff a tour”

How the site works is a musician who is looking for a band who is preparing to tour or is already on tour logs onto MusiciansThatCanTour.com and fills out their profile complete with their bio, links to audio, video and photos. There are many aspects to be taken into consideration by band/artist managers, tour managers, ect when searching for a musician such as the amount of experience needed, age range, location, skill set, passport ready, sight reading…..ect, so the profile for MTCT members is complete with every aspect needed to be known about a musician listed via searchable fields. All a band manager has to do is pull up a password protected Advanced Search page and fill out what type of musician they need and the search results give them a list which they can cull through and message who they think might be a good fit. The database is not only for musicians but also for every other type of job needed to support the tour, such as tour managers, technicians, security, catering, drivers, stagehands and more.

Although MTCT has a social media type format allowing members to message each other, the type of communication will be limited to developing professional relationships and not personal. A site like this has countless numbers of high profile musicians so having a zero tolerance “professional contact only” rule in place is vital to ensure all members privacy is protected.

MTCT has taken every step possible to ensure their members’ private information stays private by using state of the art security software as well as keeping the Advanced Search page only usable by their members via password protection. The biggest way we keep our members safe is by closely vetting every new member to ensure they are in fact an industry professional via details that can be confirmed in their bio as well as links that can be supplied to go off site to see a musician’s videos, audio work, photos and professional references.

Musicians That Can Tour is totally free to all who register and is the biggest news to hit the touring community since the guitar tuner and is truly an idea who’s time has come.

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