The most logical follow up to a slammin’ full-length album with solid soulful vocals and tunes is, of course, a four-song instrumental EP. The Dip, an 8-piece band with incredible musicianship, has decided that they needed to let their vocalist sit out for four tunes with the Won’t Be Coming Back EP.
When I first listened to these four tunes, I kept thinking, “This needs to be the theme music as I make my way through Seattle traffic.” Then I rescinded that thought, “No, it needs to be played in every car, because it’s upbeat, it’s groovy, it’s fun, it’s so chill.” From the first guitar chords and bass line, married with the horn melody line in “Won’t Be Coming Back” to the golden tones of the trumpets on “Chanterelle” to the saunter of “B.T.” and the sprightly “Stone Dust,” I can’t find a sour note or less of a groove. This might be the most perfect instrumental EP ever. I mean that.
You know what, go ahead and bench your singer this round, because I don’t mind. The arrangement on these four tunes is glorious. The throwback soul vibe is yummy, the grooves are so deep, and the melodies are expertly crafted. There is nothing about these four tunes you will hate, and if you love soul and don’t fall in love with this EP, you have no soul. For me, I’ll be coming back to this EP again and again.
Don’t be a square and pass on the gem. It comes out May 5th.
(More information on The Dip can be at their website, Won’t Be Coming Back will be available via The Dip’s Bandcamp page,, when it drops on the 5th of next month. You can hear a taste of The Dip below.)