Ladies and gentlemen, hello and welcome to Northwest Music Month 2016, where we’re featuring a different local band or artist for your music discovering pleasure every day during the month of June, to help ring in a summer of local music. Some days these artists could be a regional favorite that’s already got a respectable following, and other days they could be a complete unknown that you’ve never heard of. Today’s local band comes to us from Seattle, and are most likely the first band to ever self-describe themselves as “Pink Punk,” it’s Ichi Bichi!
Frequently recognized as one of the most harlequin and aberrant punk bands in the Pacific Northwest, Ichi Bichi is one of those bands that’s hard to pin down in just a few words. The band’s recorded music and live shows together exert so much lively energy that if this energy was tapped, they could probably power an entire country for an hour — this is where the punk aspect comes in. But while there is all this frisky frenzy to their songs, there’s a real sense of appreciation of pop rock music in their music. Songs of theirs like “Girls on TV” and “Pas Ta,” though there is a lot of force behind these songs, they also manage to be extremely catchy and infectious, while, like the best pop punk bands, losing none of the ferocity.
Earlier this year, Ichi Bichi released their latest full-length LP, Girls on TV, and it perfectly embodies everything the quartet does so damn well. In our own review of the record, our reviewer praised its, “thought-provoking lyrics, which could easily be glossed over, just by listening to the coquettish delivery of [the band’s frontwoman] Reiko.” One of the album’s strongest qualities mentioned is how, “In a genre known for being more attitude and less musical finesse, the members of Ichi Bichi excel at both.”
If you’re looking for some really enthusiastic pop punk that’s equal parts pop and punk, then don’t sleep on Ichi Bichi.
You can find Ichi Bichi on Facebook, YouTube, and ReverbNation, and listen to the title track to Girls on TV below via SoundCloud.
If you would like to have your band submitted for a chance to be featured in this segment, consult this link for more information on how you can do so. Submissions for Northwest Music Month will be taken until this Sunday, June 19th, so make sure to get your submission in soon.