
Free Soundgarden Concert Details


There will be a free concert from a stage located in the North Lot at CenturyLink Field with a feature performance by Seattle’s own Soundgarden followed by Pharrell Williams.

  • Fans do not need tickets to attend the free concert.

Seahawks ticket holders are encouraged to arrive early and watch the concert from inside the stadium.

Fans may enter the concert site from 2nd Avenue and South King Street and may watch the performances from the North Lot.

  • All persons and carried items are subject to search.
  • Upon entry, fans will be directed to designated viewing areas.
  • Access to the designated viewing areas is first come, first served.
  • Portable restrooms will be available for concert attendees.
  • Bottled water will be available for purchase inside the concert viewing areas.

Access to the general public viewing areas is first come, first served.


Fans interested in near-stage seating for the concert may register online at 1iota. Access to this exclusive viewing area opportunity is first come, first served.

A screening of “America’s Game: 2013 Seattle Seahawks” will begin at approximately 2:30 pm with the free concert to follow.


  • All stadium gates are scheduled to be open to the public beginning at 2:30 pm on Thursday, September 4.
  • Fans can enter the concert site at 2nd Avenue and South King Street.
  • All persons and carried items are subject to search.
  • Re-entry into the concert viewing areas is not permitted.

Fans planning to attend events during 2014 NFL KICKOFF are encouraged to follow @NFL345 on Twitter for the most up-to-date information.

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